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F.A.Q's for you to fettle on...

Just to be honest here – and we have seen the results countless times - this sort of dance for events  is THE best way of breaking the ice between strangers. 

Superbly inclusive and dynamically light hearted, a ceilidh or barn dance levels the playing field for everyone, regardless of age, gender, wealth or size etc, be they novices or old hats to doing this sort of dancing…..  Result, surely!!

However, we should clear up one falsehood - the music has NOTHING to do with cowboys and the wild west - happy to see Stetsons and check shirts, but its not 'line' dancing :) !

Do we travel for shows? - Yes!
The world is big and we are grownups now....

Do we do a range of dances? - YES!
We can include all of the favourite dances including jigs, reels, waltz's, hornpipes, strip the willow, schottische and some that  are even less pronounceable - and we are happy to take requests for the ones you may have remembered from your playground days.....

Are these dances suitable for everyone? - yes!
We really do not expect any of our dancers to have EVER previously tottered around on a dance floor ; displaying a suitable level of ease and grace to afford them expert status - though obviously some may have a dim memory of proceedings from run-ins at school.
Adults and children alike can enjoy being 'instructed' as to how to trundle around the dance floor and feel suitably joyous that all is well in their firmament!

Do you need anything special to do this? - NO!
An understanding of spoken word (English is useful) and (sometimes) your left and right bits helps. Suitable footwear is also a bonus for a heightened performance - high heels are a thing of beauty but will rick an ankle in the wave of a wand...




'Calling the dances' - an absurd and frivolous  use of English and a fake reality - some of the tunes and dances are hopelessly olden and  unable to accept 'calls' through any system, be it mobile or landline. The caller however overcomes this by passing on the information gleaned  previously from those sources, that guarantees that some  guests can resolve the weird words and movements being mooted and turn them into a charming routine - sometimes of the callers making or sometimes their own.

'Danced off their feet' - Guests and organisers have approached us after events claiming they have been danced off their feet. As a group we are against cruelty of any kind and detect that without feet the human frame does not respond well to trying to stand up, let alone dance. Please make sure your feet are attending the event and that they are well attached to the upper part of the body. This will save the troublesome issue we have underlined.


'Box of Tricks' (aka 'MILO') - Occasionally alluded to by the Melodeon maestro whilst doing his own foot dance during dances. There are no actual tricks in the box - just noises and timely thrashings....

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